バル(Bar)は、イタリア全土に16万軒あるといわれる、イタリアの地域社会に密着した生活に欠かせないお店です。イタリアのどこの街にも広場があり、教会があり、そしてバルがある。 バルはイタリアの街の風景に、ごく自然に溶け込んだ存在なのです。
Bars are an integral part of Italian community life, with an estimated 160,000 of them located throughout the country. Every city in Italy has a piazza, a church, and a bar. Bars are a very natural part of the Italian cityscape.
And a bar is more than just a restaurant or a bar. It is a place where you can drop in and use freely according to your own pace and mood of the moment. It is not only a place to enjoy food and drinks, but also a space to enjoy communication with others.
Corazon is a Spanish-Portuguese word meaning "heart". Along with the English word "Heart," it is the most commonly used word for "heart" in the world.
When people sing "mi corazon" (=my heart) in salsa or bossa nova, they do not only mean "my heart," but also their beloved husband, wife, or lover, just like "my heart" in English.
美味しい料理やお酒(お皿、フォーク、スプーン)、そして楽しいコミュニケーション(羽根のついた架け橋)を通じて、たくさんの大切な人たち(コラソン)に幸せを感じてもらえるバル(Bar)でありたい...そんな私たちの想いを表現したのが、バル・コラソン(Bar Corazon)のロゴマークです。
We want to be a bar (Bar) that brings happiness to many important people (Corazon) through good food and drinks (plates, forks, spoons) and pleasant communication (bridges with feathers)... The logo of Bar Corazon expresses our wish.
The three colors of green, white, and red express our sincere respect for the cuisine and culture of Italy, the two countries that form our restaurant.